ANBI Certified
RSIN: 858253653
6° Network for Women has the ANBI (algemeen nut beogende instelling) status as an 'institution for public benefit'.
Key characteristics of the foundation include that it has no shareholders or members, its objectives are stated in its articles documented in the notary deed and is governed and represented by a Board.
As an ANBI, 6° has no profit motive and is not allowed to accumulate equity, which means that the equity of the ANBI should not excessively exceed the amount of equity reasonably necessary for the ANBI to ensure the continuation of its activities.
Furthermore our capital will not be made available to board members. This effectively means that no person or entity has a controlling vote or interest in the ANBI.
For Dutch gift tax purposes, qualifying as an ANBI ensures that 6° is fully exempt from Dutch gift tax on donations or inheritances received from their donors, provided such funds are used for public benefit activities.
The Board of Directors oversee the organisation's governance and guide its activities. The members of the board have extensive experience in the not for profit and profit sectors. Their insights will guide 6° core activities and its future development.
Members of the Board of Directors:
Gita Pelinck - Chairman
Debbie Middendorp - Vice Chairman
Margreet Rijken - Board Member
Amrit Thapa - Board Member
A copy of 6° policy plan (in Dutch) is available here.
More information about ANBI certification can be found on the organisation's official website